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to the following for their inestimable help and support:
The Collet family and particularly Jacques Collet, grandson of Auguste Collet who figures strongly in the book.
The Sacré family and particularly Mr. Didier Gilbert, great-great-grandson of the Sacré family, Désiré and Alice Sacré.
Mr. Sébastien Morancé, Chief Librarian at the Bibliothèque Jean de la Fontaine of the City of Ath, without whose help the unravelling of the prisoner helpers of Mainvault, Hainaut, would not have been possible.
Mr and Mrs Stan Hansen for providing the text of Bert Hansen's memoir and encouraging me to research the people who helped Bert.
Mr. Freddy Declerck, Honorary Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (OM), Former Chairman of the Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917, Former President of the Passchendaele Society of Belgium, and Life Member of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association, of Langemark (near Passchendaele), Belgium. It was Freddy who had the confidence to think I would be able to unravel the history of these people.
To the many, many others who are too numerous to name and who put up with my persistence and questions.
The returns from book sales all go to the charities promoting education and understanding in Belgium/New Zealand relations:
The New Zealand Pilgramage Trust, a Belgian Charity; and
The Passchendaele Society
Acknowledgments: Welcome
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